





Look Who's Praising Charlie Walker

“Let me express my personal appreciation to you for the interest you have taken in our struggle."KingSmiling-small




“Let me express my personal appreciation to you for the interest you have taken in our
struggle. Such moral support and Christian generosity give us renewed courage and
vigor to carry on.”

Letter from Martin Luther King to Charles Walker, May 31, 1956


 “Mr. Charles C. Walker ... has been close to developments in the struggle for racial justice ever since I first met him in Montgomery in early 1956. He was a key figure in producing a very helpful pamphlet that has been used in the South, called A Perspective on Nonviolence.”

Letter of recommendation for Charles C. Walker from Martin Luther King, June 17, 1960


“Charles [Walker] was a significant figure in the civil rights movement. I was privileged to know him well. This pamphlet was widely used at the time. Although the technology of protest has changed, the wisdom here is timeless, and the current moment in politics makes its thrust seem particularly relevant.”

Robert Dockhorn, former editor of Friends Journal, regarding Charlie Walker’s handbook, Organizing for Nonviolent Direct Action, republished November 2016 by Brenda Walker Beadenkopf



“Mr. Walker has twice served well under my direction … with competence and dedication. Persons [like him] who both understand the discipline of nonviolence and also serve the cause of interracial brotherhood are extremely valuable at this juncture.”

 Letter of recommendation for Charles C. Walker from A. Philip Randolph, June 21, 1960