
Brenda’s Second Book Launch/Signing a Big Success
Brenda’s Book Launch for newly-published Volume 2 of A Quaker Behind the Dream held at the Niles District Library January 17 in conjunction with Lake Michigan College’s MLK week of events. Close to thirty people attended ,and she sold over $300 worth of books in the first week! The Library program director said she was “very pleased” with the turnout.
Rebecca Ford, her author Liaison with her publisher EABooks drove two hours each way from Fort Wayne, Indiana to attend, along with quite a few prominent people in the community.
Brenda’ power point presentation offered new material, featuring her Dad’s correspondence with Dr. Martin Luther King. “When and why did they correspond through the years? What was in those letters? What common beliefs held their friendship?
Volume 2 tells in detail how he, along with movement leaders, developed the Principles, Strategies and Tactics of nonviolence used successfully in the movement. How they organized training and marches. What part did the STAUNCH CHRISTIAN RELIGION of the Southern pastors play in the success of the movement? How this upheld them in troubling times.
During the Q&A period Brenda stressed that strategies are needed today, so Americans can feel confident to get out and demonstrate again! Great enthusiasm was generated for developing these programs for marches and protests in these modern times to be dedicated to nonviolent direct action in order to ensure their success by drawing both sides together.
Brenda’s books are available on Amazon and soon to be at Barnes and Noble (Volume 1 ($20), Volume 2 ($20), and her Dad’s 1961 handbook Organizing for Nonviolent Direct Action ($7).
Note: Also see article in Leader Publications online at: https://www.leaderpub.com/2023/01/18/author-hosts-book-discussion-on-fathers-relationship-with-mlk-civil-rights-movement/