Maranatha Christian Writers' Conference

In September, I felt awesomely blessed to be able to attend the Maranatha Christian Writers’ Conference in Muskegon, Michigan. In this beautiful conference setting overlooking Lake Michigan, experts from all phases of publishing help current and future authors perfect their craft. Although my attendance was a last-minute serendipitous event, I received a great financial scholarship, without which I could not have gone.
Speakers and workshop leaders lectured on topics ranging from “Genres in Fiction” and “Editing” to “Social Media” and “Building Online Communities.” One of the workshops that meant the most to me was Katie Reid’s “The Tension of Two Callings.” Ms Reid provided some great guidelines for making the most out of both family time and writing time. She also became somewhat of a mentor to me—a treasure for sure!
The biggest boost to me and my craft came from Cheri Cowell’s workshop, “Marketing and Platform.” Not only did I learn vitally important techniques for marketing in the 21st century, but I met the future publisher of my book. (See below, “Brenda has Switched Publishers.”)
The next conference will be September 28 & 29th 2018. Don’t miss it!