
Book Signing

Brenda’s Second Book Launch/Signing a Big Success

Brenda’s Book Launch for newly-published Volume 2 of A Quaker Behind the Dream held at the Niles District Library January 17 in conjunction with Lake Michigan College’s MLK week of events. Close to thirty people attended ,and she sold over $300 worth of books in the first week! The Library program director said she was “very pleased” with the turnout.


EXPO booth

Brenda presents exhibit at LMC EXPO

On Martin Luther King Day, January 16, 2023, Brenda, her husband Will, Beadenkopf and good friend Michelle Funkhouser hosted a table/booth at Lake Michigan College’s Martin Luther King EXPO after an early morning community breakfast and program put on by LMC. The program featured speakers from mayors’ offices and the College, along with choirs from the college and local children’s groups.

Brenda’s booth featured two tri-folds, one for Volume 1 and the other from newly-published Volume 2. She handed out many business cards and fielded numerous questions from people who stopped by her booth, as well as other curious vendors. She sold many books, including some customers wanting all three books available now [Volume 1, Volume 2, and her Dad’s 1961handbook Organizing for Nonviolent Direct Action.

Sharing the Dream

This website is dedicated to Charlie Walker's story and the Dream he shared with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many others. I, Brenda Beadenkopf, share this Dream: the dream of black and white, brothers and sisters, sitting down at the "table of brotherhood." There will always be conflicts, but we must resolve them without violence. As my dad Charlie would say, “The Christian faith says that we cannot call any man an alien or an enemy. We are all members one of another. From this viewpoint we see nonviolence is not just a weapon to fight for freedom. It is the way we are called to live—all of us—who would serve Him who said: ‘Follow me.’”

August 28, 1963 in Washington, DC, I was a teenager when I heard Martin Luther King Jr. say in his rich Southern accent, “I have a Dream today!” It came through the speakers, reached across the reflecting pool from the Lincoln Memorial and electrified my being! Those words changed my perspective on life. To this day, I remember his inspiring and prophetic vision and his ability to change people's lives! Brenda-MissWestChester-small


Volume 2 Garners Attention at EFC-ER Yearly Meeting


Brenda and Will represented Penn Friends Community Church at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Friends - Easter Region. Their display of her father's work and photos from the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s attracted attention. Discussion of her work swirled around Quaker history of the past as well as direction for the future.