Category Archives: Book

Available Soon Through Ingram

In January, I signed a contract with my publisher, EABooks Publishing, to be listed with Ingram Distribution through EABooks. I am listed with Amazon, but Amazon is a public distributor (allows the general public to purchase) books listed with them. Ingram, however, is a private distributor of books to booksellers and private bookstores. In a month or so, my A Quaker Behind the Dream will be available, not only through Amazon, but also through formerly unavailable sources such as Barnes and Noble and Friends General Conference, or FGC Books.
I am excited that additionally, local bookstores will soon be able to sell my books! For example, at first, the large, local Barnes and Noble Store in South Bend wanted to have my books on their shelves and include me in their author book-signings, etc. But when they found I was affiliated with Amazon, their fierce and hated competitor, they said they could not help me! So disappointing! But soon they will be!!
Another example of this new service being available is that last year, FGC Books could only take a few books on consignment, because without Ingram, they could not get the usual booksellers’ discount of 55%. The best discount my publisher could offer was too low for them to make a profit. With Ingram they can!
I am now in the process of setting up my account with Ingram and will let you know when this great opportunity will be available!

Letter from Martin Luther King Jr.

In a letter to my father, Charlie Walker, on July 10, 1956, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote:

We were very happy to have you visit Montgomery. I count it a real personal privilege of having the opportunity of meeting you. I hope that we will be able to renew this fellowship at some early date, and that I will see you again when I am not so busy with other things. Please give my best regards to all of my friends along the Philadelphia area.

Sincerely yours,

M.L. King, Jr.,

Look for more in my upcoming book, A Quaker Behind the Dream, next month.

Photo of Charlie working for the Fellowship of Reconciliation in the 1940s